Flower yoke
I finished the second yoke sweater for the Fruity You and Me KAL about two weeks ago. I’ve also taken some photos but I couldn’t manage to write a post about this cardigan. This time I used my own pattern – the same as in the Flower red yoke for J from my previous post – but I’ve knitted it from bottom up and this is definitely the best way for me. I must confess that decreasing stitches gives me more hope of finishing the project than increasin. The most difficult portion of the yoke is the flower pattern itself and once this part is finished you just have to dive in the the ocean of plain stockinette. Another thing I have changed is the method: I steeked all the front piece instead of cutting only the yoke pattern piece. I was really happy to have finished both sweaters. I enjoyed knitting yoke from up to bottom for the first time, but – as I’ve written – this way is not mine, so after designing the flower pattern I’ve decided to make another yoke cardigan for my...